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Awards & mentions across 4 different industries since 2009

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Julian Chan

Our Technical Director Julian has a profound expertise in backend development and an impressive command of 5+ coding languages. As a micro thinker, his attention to detail is unmatched, ensuring that every user journey we craft is straightforward and intuitive. His strategic thinking is pivotal in helping us simplify complex business problems, transforming challenges into clear, actionable solutions.

Strengthened with deep insight into the latest technological advancements and algorithms, he keeps our systems not just running, but evolving. Under his direction, with the blend of meticulous analysis and technical know-how, he ensures every project not only passes through rigorous quality assurance but is also met with critical thinking. The end result? Solutions that perform. 

technical director having a meeting

Buying a SSL Certificate And Keeping Your Customers Free From Worry

Julian Chan | Web Development

Your website is your online salesman. You rely on it to give customers the best impression, give your brand authority and showcase a trustworthy service. In the good old days,…

Compress and Extract Files using tar on command line

Julian Chan | Web Development

As web developers, we deal with ‘tar.gz’ archives quite often.  Here are a few useful commands. Creating a ‘tar.gz’ archive from a directory   tar -zcvf archive-name.tar.gz directory-name Extracting a ‘tar.gz’…

libstdc++.so.6: version `GLIBCXX_3.4.15′ not found Centos 6

Julian Chan | Web Development

You may come across this error (ie. old libstdc++) trying to compile Node 4.1.1 on CentOs 6 x64 after compiling gcc from source.  Here’s what to do to fix it (my…

Monitor out of range – Windows 10

Julian Chan | Web Development

If you accidentally set your display resolution to outside the monitor’s range, you will come across this problem. As Windows 10 removed the ability to get to the boot screen via…

When should you Agile?

Julian Chan | Web Development

Agile is an iterative software development paradigm that still scares a lot of clients when we talk to them about it. Strangely so, as it’s supposed to allow for adaptability…

Turbocharge Your Website

Julian Chan | User Experience

Like the rest of the modern world, I hate it when load times are ridiculously slow. This may be reflective of the Gen Y era (I want everything, NOW!), but…

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