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Stylish, futuristic and practical sofa that opens up like a palm, creating a bed or a chaise lounge or whatever you want to use it for? YES PLEASE! Not just…
Usually it is a pure pain to scroll endlessly on a website before finding the information you need. This website’s simple yet clever design really changed our minds! If you…
Amazing idea executed by BMW, taking advertising to another level using a simple method I’m sure you are already aware of. This maybe one of those concepts that truly encapsulates…
A fresh look to a very classic board game. Not many people are excited about typography, which sparked designer Andrew Clifford Capener’s attempt to revive an old but loved game….
I wouldn’t be too surprised if what you see in this video becomes reality in the next few years. Stretchable screens, transparent screens and e-ink displays are most likely the…
The winner of the 82nd Annual Academy Awards for best animated short film, Logorama is simply genius and cleverly creative. If you appreciate design and branding in any shape or…