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Branding Solutions for Small Business

Alice Khau | Web Design

Branding is not just a logo, a colour palette, your products or your services. With the guidance of an experienced website design agency, it is all these things combined together…

Interactive eCommerce Websites Designs That Convert Visitors to Customers

Alice Khau | Web Design

The last 2 years of ecommerce website design melbourne and in other cities have truly been a revolutionary one. The impact of COVID-19 catalysed user behaviour changes that would have…

Importance of Responsive Website Design with the Increase in Mobile Traffic Trends

Irwin Hau | Web Design

The term “responsive web design” was originally coined back in 2010 by graphic designer, Ethan Marcotte in a paper he wrote about the need to create “flexible and fluid” websites…

Web Design Process – Our Project Workflow Steps For Website Development Success

Julian Chan | Web Design

Heard the line, businesses who fail to plan, plan to fail? Successful projects, big or small often share 2 common denominators, a structured process and project management. A project consists…

Top 10 Questions to Ask When Building A Website

Irwin Hau | Web Design

Want to turn your good website into a great website? We hear you loud and clear. We have the insights to help you convert your readers into new customers and…

Xero Integration With A WooCommerce WordPress Website Or Online Payment App

Irwin Hau | Web Development

What is Xero? A Quick Refresher Xero is an easy to use online accounting software tailored for small businesses. Built as a cloud-based software, you can access real-time data from…

The High Business Risk Of Going With What’s Convenient

Irwin Hau | Web Design

There are currently around 4.66 billion active internet users worldwide. Your website is one of the most important ways to connect with these users, and the platform on which your…

Best Web Design Strategies For Luxury High End Brand Websites

Irwin Hau | Web Design

What Does a High-End Brand Experience Require? To come off effortlessly as a high-end brand, regardless of the industry, there is one key thing you need to pull off well….

Every Web Design Agency Should Cater For Core Web Vitals

Irwin Hau | Search Optimisation

Much like the human body has vital signs to show it’s in good working order, your website has key indicators that show Google it’s in tiptop condition. These are what’s…

Why Internet Explorer Is No Longer Used As a Browser

Irwin Hau | Web Development

The first of its kind, this digital relic was released in August 1995. By 2003 Internet Explorer had swept across the globe and had the lion’s share with 95% of…

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