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Conversion Rate Optimisation

The 9 Usual Suspects When Websites Breakdown

Irwin Hau | Web Development

It’s a scary prospect, and one many small business owners shelve into the far recesses of their minds. Out of sight, out of mind right? But when it happens, it’s…

How-To Implement Conversion Rate Optimisation Techniques On Your Website Immediately

Alice Khau | Web Design

When the new age of digital sprung up upon us, so did a whole array of new lingo. You might have seen the term ‘CRO’ surfacing more persistently. An abbreviation…

Your Website’s Not Converting? – Here’s 6 Brutal Truths You Need To Hear

Alice Khau | Conversion Rate Optimisation

“A designer knows he has achieved perfection not when there is nothing left to add, but when there is nothing left to take away.” Antoine de Saint-Exupéry.  Taking a leaf…

Gravity Forms & WordPress – an Integration Essential

Irwin Hau | Web Development

What are Gravity Forms? Being developers themselves, the creators of Gravity Forms were all too aware of the inflexibility and lack of good form creating tools in the market. While…

Buying a SSL Certificate And Keeping Your Customers Free From Worry

Julian Chan | Web Development

Your website is your online salesman. You rely on it to give customers the best impression, give your brand authority and showcase a trustworthy service. In the good old days,…

Turbocharge Your Website

Julian Chan | User Experience

Like the rest of the modern world, I hate it when load times are ridiculously slow. This may be reflective of the Gen Y era (I want everything, NOW!), but…

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