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Web Development

Why Is It Useful to Learn HTML?

Chromatix | Web Development

HTML, or HyperText Markup Language, is the standard language used to create and structure content on the web. Every webpage you visit is built using HTML, which defines things like…

What Is Top-Down Design?

Julian Chan | Web Development

A top-down design is a problem-solving method where you start by defining the larger structure or overall goal, then progressively break it down into smaller, more manageable components. This approach…

How To Center An Image In HTML?

Chromatix | Web Development

Centering images in HTML is one of the basic skills every web developer needs to have. But if you’ve ever tried to center an image on a webpage, you know…

How To Center Text In HTML?

Chromatix | Web Development

Centering text might seem simple, but the way you approach it can vary depending on the layout and structure of your page. With so many options available, it’s essential to…

Which Of The Following Is The Best And Most Complete Definition For Graphic Design?

Julian Chan | Web Development

Graphic design is a creative discipline that combines art, technology, and communication to convey visual messages. It typically takes the form of a logo, website, advertisement, book layout, or anything…

What Programming Language Is WordPress Primarily Built With?

Irwin Hau | Web Development

WordPress is the backbone of over 40% of websites globally, powering everything from personal blogs to massive eCommerce stores. So what’s behind the platform’s ability to deliver powerful functionality and…

What Does A Website Ending With .Org Most Likely Indicate?

Chromatix | Web Development

If you’ve spent any time online, then you’re already familiar with the usual domain extensions—.com, .net, and maybe .edu. But what about .org? It’s a popular extension, yet many still…

How To Reduce Spam Score Of Website?

Julian Chan | Web Development

Your website’s spam score can make or break its SEO performance. A high spam score can lead to penalties from search engines, reducing your visibility and hindering your ability to…

What Is Website Tinting?

Irwin Hau | Web Design

Website tinting is a relatively new yet increasingly popular design feature that’s taking the web today. By changing the color of a browser’s address bar to match the website’s theme,…

Integrating Hubspot

Julian Chan | Web Development

HubSpot has cemented itself as a powerful and comprehensive marketing platform that covers every part of the inbound marketing and sales funnel, from reaching new audiences, improving customer experiences and…

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