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09 Sep 24

6 Best Practices in Website Typography You Need to Know for Better User Experience

Alice Khau | Web Design

Typography is one of the critical components of good website design. This is not only for the additional visual impact but also for establishing a connection between the user and the website.

Unknown to many, typography can actually affect users’ perception of the site. Using a bad combination can distract users and cause them to move to another website. But if you use good typography, you are now making your website more accessible for reading. 

So how can you create a website with better typography? While there are many ways to do it, you only need to follow six practices to improve the typography of your website.


Use a Limited Number of Fonts

Always think about the structure of your website. Ideally, you want to limit the fonts you use to up to 2 only. Any excess font style can mess up the structure of your site and make it appear less professional and appealing.

The result? Not only does it ruin the layout, but it also makes it difficult for your site visitors to identify which information is important.

According to Linearity, consistent use of font can nurture brand recognition by up to 80%. So, when designing your site, make sure that you stick to one or two fonts only. One thing to keep in mind is that these fonts should always complement each other. 

For instance, you can choose fonts that are from the same family or those that contrast each other. Here are some of the font combinations that we recommend:

  • Montserrat and Roboto
  • Playfair Display and Open Sans
  • Lora and Nunito
  • Oswald and Merriweather


Maintain Adequate Line Spacing

Typefaces also need a space to breathe. It is a general rule of thumb that you should give enough line spacing or leading between texts to improve their readability. 

A good leading is recommended to be at least 30% more than the actual character height. This small space adjustment can make a significant difference in making your website content easier to read and digest.


Steer Clear of All-Caps Text

Using all caps in certain parts of your website design is fine, especially if it is an acronym or logo. However, it is different when we talk about sentences or paragraphs.  

This is not only because it seems like you are shouting at the user. All caps are a big no-no as it makes text much more difficult to read and scan, which slows down comprehension.


Opt for Standard Fonts

Sometimes, simple is better.  

Just to be clear, we don’t have anything against using unique font styles. A lot of website users actually find them interesting and novel. However, the only issue with these fonts is that they can take away the reader’s attention from the information that matters. 

So instead of paying attention to your product or service, there’s a higher chance that they pay more attention to the font you used. That is why, we highly recommend sticking to classic fonts to draw and keep the reader’s attention on the content itself.

Below are some classic fonts you can use:

  • Georgia
  • Arial
  • Verdana
  • Helvetica
  • Garamond


Select a Typeface That Remains Clear at Different Sizes

Not all your users will access your website using the same screen size. Thus, you have to make sure that the font you use is optimised for all display sizes.

Note that you must pay extra attention to smaller screens. With over 90% of the global population using mobile phones, it is essential to choose a typeface that is legible on these devices. 


Use the Right Amount of Characters Per Line

Try to keep your line length to a maximum of 60 characters for desktops and 30-40 characters per line for mobile devices. This may seem too short to some, but it is extremely important if you value readability and a great user experience.

It doesn’t matter if you have excess space; you don’t need to fill it up. Remember, adequate spacing also gives your text room to breathe.  


Create a Website with the Best Typography

Creating a website with good typography is all about creating balance in every component. This means that you don’t want too much or too little of it. Instead, you want it to be just the right amount to give your readers the best experience they can only find on your website.

Can’t choose the right typography for your website? Our team at Chromatix is here to guide and assist you. 

Here at Chromatix, we specialise in developing websites that not only look great and professional but also enhance readability and user experience through effective typography. Give us a call on 03 9912 6403 to take your site’s typography to the next level

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